Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Naturopathy vs Homeopathy

When talking about different treatment styles, naturopathy and homeopathy come to the mind, and it is not easy to decide which one is better than the other. Before we get into naturopathy vs homeopathy, let's take a look at both the treatment methods and their origins for a better understanding.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann introduced homeopathy to the world of treatments back in 1790. The homeopathy treatment method is based on the rationale that 'likes cure likes' meaning that a substance which creates certain symptoms in a healthy individual is used to cure similar symptoms in a diseased individual. A homeopathic remedy acts as a natural trigger for the body's healing process.

Naturopathy is based on the principle that the bodies instinctual abilities are far superior than anything else. This is the main reason why naturopathy physicians devise a comprehensive treatment plan keeping in mind psychological, physical and even spiritual aspects. This method involves modern science and nutrition, along with exercises, natural medicines, and lifestyle changes.

Naturopathy Benefits and Disadvantages

When discussing naturopathy versus homeopathy, the main point that stands out is that naturopathy uses different modalities for treatment. The history of naturopathy in America dates back to the early 1900s. Naturopathy compared to homeopathy uses a wide range of treatment delivery methods to treat ailments and diseases. Let us take a look at some of the benefits and disadvantages of naturopathic treatment before moving on to homeopathy.


    * Nutrition facts counseling is done, as they say 'we are what we eat', hence in naturopathy nutrition is given importance to strengthen the body's immune system as well as rejuvenate it.
    * Special attention is paid to the patient's diet and lifestyle to prevent recurring of the problems and also to encourage patients to embrace healthy living patterns.
    * Natural therapies like hydrotherapy and mud therapy are used to help the body's immune system fight against disease. Also, physical manipulation in the form of massage or simple low intensity exercises are used for treatments.
    * Herbal medicines with no or minimal side effects are used, these are mostly Chinese or Indian herbs.


    * It shows best results under the guidance of a good physician and there are very few well trained physicians available.
    * Some naturopathy physicians have their own belief system which is not consistent with modern science.
    * It is not able to deal with some infections and ailments on it's own, at best it can be used as a complementary medicine.
    * Some herbs can cause severe allergies or reactions to other medicines or lifestyle practices of the patients.

Homeopathy Benefits and Disadvantages

When talking about naturopathy vs homeopathy, unlike naturopathy, homeopathy works alongside allopathic treatment without interfering with it's effects. Homeopathic treatments are more comprehensive as the physicians take into consideration the medical history and the current state of an individual.


    * It treats the patient rather that the disease, hence this helps patients with a wide range of problems that they might be facing.
    * Homeopathic herbal remedies are diluted in water-alcohol solutions, hence these diluted remedies have minimal side effects.
    * The homeopathic remedies strengthen the immune system and work well for recurring problems and symptoms.
    * They have been known to work best against psychosomatic diseases like diabetes, migraines, ulcers etc,.


    * It is ineffective when it comes to diseases which can be treated with surgical processes. This coupled with the fact that it cannot treat some major infections, is a big drawback.
    * There is a dearth of genuine homeopathic practitioners along with training institutes. This puts patients at risk when they visit a homeopath, as the chances of being prescribed the right treatments go down.
    * In medical emergencies, homeopathy alone cannot provide a solution, hence can only be used alongside conventional medicine.

When talking about nature cure vs homeopathy each has it's pro and cons, as stated above. There is not much difference between naturopathy vs homeopathy cost wise, as each of the treatment styles are cost effective. As these treatments fall under the complementary medicine category, the choice of treatment generally depends on individual preferences.

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